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I have no idea what I'm doing wrong with the installation. The install text consists largely of question marks.

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Has anyone managed to get this running properly on linux? it runs fine via lutris but the font is real messed up :/

Edit: got it working through EasyRPG :)


A worm sent me.


Played this game non-stop for a week straight after having it on my wishlist since it got published on itch, just got the true end. Really cannot overstate how good a time I had playing it. I got to it at exactly the right time -- this game's a huge irreverent hilarious sandbox full of great characters, and I haven't always connected with that sort of game. But in the last couple years I've gotten really into tabletop RPGs and old western PC RPGs, and I think that primed me to have an absolute blast with Embric.

I'm really thankful to have finally played it, and to have connected with it as much as I have. As another rpgmaker dev, this is one of the most inspiring games I've played in years.

Excuse me, I want to ask about something. So, how do you play the game? more like how do you control it? because I have tried the arrow key and the number pad but the character still won't move. Please Help! I really want to play this game!

I've just been slapped back into, what, maybe late 2012 is when I first stumbled on EoWC? Holy bejeebus. Where did the time go?

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Right?! For a concept whose fundamental nature is unclear, time sure does a lot of flying! That said, we've also got plans to give homes to some of our more recent-ish games here on soon!


I played this game years ago, it was a big part of my developing queer identity to find a silly-yet-nuanced game with explicit (not as in adult) femslash content. I am SO EXCITED it's on Itch, as it gives me even more of a reason to beg my friends to play it, haha.
That being said, you should probably mark the download as being for the Windows platform. Not only will it make it easier for people to find this game by filtering for the Windows platform, it'll also make it possible for people like me to manage the game through the official app!


Hi there yourself! Thanks so much for the nice comment! We at LBS are really happy to hear that about you and your story!

(And thanks so much for the tip! It's properly marked now!)

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Oh heck, I just realized; doesn't support games that require an executable to install very well, especially if they require elevated permissions to install. You may want to note in the description that it's in that format, or possibly provide an alternate version with the whole game in one archive.
Having played many RPGM games in my life, I would make an educated guess that the reason it's packed as an executable is that it requires the RPGM'03 RTP, right? In that case, they have the RTPs as installables on the RPGM official site nowadays. You can have one version of the RTP and play as many games as you want that require (that version of) the RTP.  Here's a link to the download site if you don't know what I'm talking about. It explains the pros and cons of having the RTP bundled and having it not bundled.
All in all, if people are afraid of running .exes, an .exe from a Official Site(tm) would probably be more reassuring. Plus having it in an archive lets one play the game by launching it through the app (technically I use Playsite, which lets you manage libraries from multiple platforms like Steam and as well as custom games, but it would be so much easier to just, merge this game's path and description and banner and everything from Itch. It's complicated stuff haha.) So uh, yeah, feel free to ignore this, but I thought I'd try to explain stuff, since it seems like you may be new to


Ah! Those are all good suggestions! (And uh, cough, yes, we are.)

It'll probably take some digging through the Battleship's archives and/or general computer wrangling to make, but we'll definitely look into the possibility of a slimmer, more trustworthy-looking, non-executable download option!


IIRC there's a portable version of EoWC on, but I have no idea if that's an official version or not.